Margo Renate: Transformational Photography at The District House

Margo Renate’s visit to The District House revealed many of her intimate stories and why she was led to transformational photography. Margo’s creative collaboration with her clients has the potential to heal both the muse in front of the camera as well as the photographer behind the camera.

"Photography was the first healthy coping mechanism I used to nurse the wound of aching to be seen, particularly in my pain.

The gateway from the caves of self-harm to the valleys of self-expression.

When I started taking photos of myself I could finally see and share a visual embodiment of my pain without having to hurt myself in the process.”
- Margo

Margo brought several beautiful prints to our space, each that contain a story with a character arc, and deep inspired seeds of hope. Her prints are also currently for sale at LoDo Studios.

Also featured this evening was Santa Barbara singer/songwriter me.kai who gave us an hour of beautiful guitar accompanied vocals. We highly recommend you check her out on your favorite streaming service.


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