Aimee Strauss talks Somatic Healing, Embodiment, and Connecting to our Bodies

Aimee Strauss is a gifted intuitive somatic healer who is dedicated to helping people connect with their bodies and heal from trauma. She believes that the mind and body are interconnected, and that by learning to listen to our bodies and work with them, we can find a sense of safety, power, and wholeness.

Somatic healing is a powerful tool for healing trauma, and Aimee has dedicated her life to helping others find this healing. She believes that trauma is stored in the body, and that by learning to listen to our bodies and work with them, we can release this trauma and move towards a place of healing and growth.

In her classes and workshops, Aimee creates a safe and nurturing environment where people can explore their bodies and connect with their inner selves. She uses a variety of techniques to help people connect with their bodies, including yoga, meditation, breathwork, and movement.

One of the most powerful aspects of Aimee's work is her focus on inner child integration. She believes that many of our traumas stem from experiences we had as children, and that by working with our inner child, we can heal these wounds and move towards a place of greater wholeness and peace.

Through her work, Aimee emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and unconditional love. She believes that when we learn to love ourselves and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, we can open ourselves up to the beauty and opportunity that life has to offer.

Aimee's personal stories of trauma are a testament to the power of somatic healing. By sharing her experiences with others, she helps to break down the stigma surrounding trauma and encourages others to seek the healing they need.

If you are struggling with trauma or are interested in learning more about somatic healing, we recommend exploring Aimee's work.


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