Breathwork, Cacao & Sound Meditation at The District House

We had an amazing experiential event at The District House with Mandy Hamilton! This was a great first test, and we’ll certainly do more like this.

Self-care and self-exploration are most deliciously done through experiences. Mandy facilitated a session to luxuriate in our senses and nurture our mind, body and spirits with this Sacred Trio: Breathwork, Cacao/Elixir, and Sound Bath.

Each of these modalities are potent on their own and together they are transcendent. Breathwork expands your awareness and moves stuck energy out of your body; Cacao or Turmeric Elixir activates your clarity and enhances your mood; Sound Baths relax and reharmonize your mind and body. These modalities combined provide a “tune up” for all parts of oneself. We look forward to hosting more healers and unique experiences in our space at coming events.


Ether Arkon’s Plant Medicine Journey


First Evening at The District House