Screening and Discussion on Ayahuasca and Plant Diets with Tatiana Aya Tupinambá and Charles Johnston

Earlier this week at The District House, we were honored to host an extraordinary evening featuring the deeply insightful Tatiana Aya Tupinambá and her partner, Charles Johnston. It was an evening filled with exploration, healing, and connection as we delved into the spiritual practice of Ayahuasca and plant diets to address trauma.

The evening began with a warm introduction by Hannah Jo, who beautifully set the stage for the night. She engaged Tatiana and Charles in an initial conversation, setting the tone for the profound discussions that would follow. The excitement in the room was palpable as we prepared to screen the short documentary, which offered an intimate glimpse into the world of drinking, making, and experiencing a plant diet in the jungle.

As the lights dimmed and the documentary began, the audience was transported to the heart of the jungle, where Tatiana has spent over 12 years serving the medicine of Ayahuasca. The film provided a rare and immersive look at the rituals and practices involved in these plant diets, highlighting their transformative power in healing trauma. The sold-out crowd watched attentively, absorbing the rich visuals and the depth of the content presented.

Following the screening, Hannah Jo returned to the stage with Tatiana and Charles for an in-depth interview. The conversation was rich and enlightening, touching on the profound themes of embracing the darkness within to appreciate the light and achieve a balanced, whole life. Tatiana's thoughtful and heartfelt answers resonated deeply with the audience, eliciting rounds of applause.

The Q&A session that followed allowed the audience to engage directly with Tatiana and Charles. People were eager to learn more about their experiences and the potential of Ayahuasca and plant diets for healing. The questions were thoughtful and sincere, reflecting the audience's deep interest and respect for the subject matter. Tatiana's responses were met with enthusiastic applause, underscoring the impact of her words.

As the night drew to a close, many attendees lingered, eager to continue the conversation with Tatiana and Charles. There was a palpable sense of community and shared purpose, as people connected over their experiences and excitement for the future. Many had driven hours to be part of this special evening, a testament to the magnetic draw of the wisdom shared and the meaningful work being done by Tatiana and Charles.

This event was not just a screening; it was a gathering of minds and spirits, united in the pursuit of understanding and healing. We are grateful to Tatiana and Charles for sharing their journey with us and look forward to following their work in the future. Whether through running ceremonies or continuing to explore the depths of plant medicine, their contributions to the field are invaluable.

Thank you to everyone who attended and made this night so memorable. Stay tuned for more updates on the documentary and upcoming events at The District House!


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