Taking Back My Mind: Gerardo's Journey Out of Depression with Psilocybin Mushrooms

Last Wednesday night, The District House had the honor of hosting Gerardo Urias, a remarkable individual who has experienced a transformative journey out of depression with the help of psilocybin mushrooms. Gerardo, an author, breathwork facilitator, and psychedelic therapy advocate, captivated the audience with his powerful story and shared valuable insights on mental health, alternative medicines, and personal growth.


Gerardo Urias is a true adventurer and explorer, having spent most of his adult life traveling through various corners of the world. His experiences in Europe, southeast Asia, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and Colombia have shaped his perspective and provided him with a deep appreciation for different cultures and healing practices. Gerardo's recently published book, "Taking Back My Mind: My Journey Out of Depression with Psilocybin Mushrooms," serves as a testament to his incredible healing journey. Through the power of psychedelics, breathwork, cold exposure, yoga, meditation, time in nature, and philosophy, Gerardo was able to break free from the grips of severe depression and rediscover a life filled with purpose and joy.

The Journey Begins:

Gerardo's downward spiral into depression began after experiencing significant life challenges, including divorce, the loss of his father, and major health issues. Struggling to find hope and meaning in his life, he stumbled upon a profound turning point during a psilocybin-infused beach walk with his brother on 12/22/2017. This catalytic experience ignited a spark within Gerardo, leading him to explore alternative approaches to mental health and well-being.

The Power of Psilocybin Mushrooms:

Gerardo firmly believes that psilocybin mushrooms played a pivotal role in his healing process. He spoke passionately about the profound psychological and spiritual insights he gained during his psychedelic experiences. Psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, has shown great promise in the field of mental health, with studies indicating its potential to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Gerardo's personal journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of these natural substances when used responsibly and in a supportive environment.

The Holistic Approach to Healing:

In addition to his experiences with psilocybin, Gerardo emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to healing. He shared his practices of breathwork, cold exposure, yoga, meditation, and spending time in nature, all of which contributed to his overall well-being. Gerardo believes that accessing the "flow state" through various modalities enables individuals to reconnect with their true selves and unlock their inner potential.

Spreading Awareness:

Since his transformative experience, Gerardo has dedicated his life to helping others navigate their own paths towards healing and self-discovery. Through his work as an author, filmmaker, podcast host, and workshop facilitator, he aims to raise awareness about alternative medicines and therapies.

Gerardo is currently working on a documentary that chronicles his lifelong journey with plant medicine, as well as a second book that picks up where "Taking Back My Mind" left off, detailing his recent 5MeO-DMT journey in Mexico. He also continues to organize "Ascension Workshops & Retreats" in California and Mexico, creating safe spaces for individuals to explore their inner worlds and find their own paths to healing.

Gerardo Urias's story serves as an inspiration to all who have faced the darkness of depression. Through his profound experiences with psilocybin mushrooms and a holistic approach to healing, Gerardo has not only reclaimed his own mind but has also dedicated his life to helping others on their healing journeys. His work in raising awareness for alternative medicines and therapies provides hope and valuable insights for those seeking transformative paths to well-being.

To learn more about Gerardo and his ongoing projects, visit his website.


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